There will be many people taking care of your child while they are in the hospital. Each person has a different role in your child's care.

Your child’s care team changes with different shifts and will be different in the CICU and cardiology unit. If you are unsure of who someone is, ask! You will be more comfortable knowing who is caring for your child. Here are some important people you will see coming and going from your child’s room.

Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s assistants are often times referred to as APPs. Both are providers who have completed graduate level education and are board certified to practice with pediatric patients. They provide care in collaboration with doctors.

Experienced pediatric cardiologist or cardiac intensivist who leads the the team of doctors and advanced practice registered nurses. They supervise and teach doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses.

Doctor who has finished residency and is taking additional training in a subspecialty of pediatrics (cardiology or intensive care). Fellows practice under the supervision of attendings.

Doctor whose specialty is in pediatric cardiac surgery. The surgeon will perform your child's open heart surgery.

Registered nurse who works with families and the clinical team to provide coordination of care and service while in the hospital at the time of discharge.

Provides developmentally-appropriate toys, activities, and education to help ease stress and to prepare children and families for medical procedures. Also provide opportunities for children to play, watch movies, and celebrate birthdays and holidays.

Coordinates the special diet and nutrition therapies your child may need.

Helps keep the unit running smoothly. They are a good source of information about the CICU and cardiology unit.

Performs basic care services, such as checking temperature and blood pressure, as well as assisting with feeding and bathing. PCAs work under the supervision of nurses and doctors

Nurse who has graduated from a college level nursing program and has passed a national licensing exam. You will have a registered nurse assigned to your child’s care 24 hours a day while in the hospital.

Collaborates with doctors, advanced practice providers, and nurses to order and dispense appropriate medications. Sometimes they provide medication teaching before discharge.

College graduate who has passed a national registry exam. RTs help to manage airways and provide respiratory support. They also evaluate and treat breathing problems

As a parent, you may find it stressful and exhausting to have your child in the hospital. Visit as often and as long as you like, but please take care of yourself by eating well and getting enough rest.

When you are unable to be here, your child’s care team will take good care of your child. Your child’s nurse is just a phone call away.

You are welcome to join daily rounds with your child’s care team. During this time, the team will spend a few minutes talking about each child’s recovery.

You are an important member of your child’s care team — be sure to speak up with questions or concerns!