Most children will recover from surgery in the ICU and the cardiology unit before going home. Each unit is different and designed to meet your child’s recovery needs.


After surgery, your child will stay in the ICU. Generally, the nurses will only care for your child or one additional child.

  • Parents are often not allowed to sleep in the room
  • The primary decision maker for your child’s care is the cardiac intensivist
  • Nursing assessments are every 1-2 hours
  • Parents are limited in the direct care they can provide for their child

Cardiology Unit

As your child heals, they are moved to the cardiology unit before going home. Here, you will be more involved in your child’s care so you can prepare to care for your child at home.

  • One nurse will care for 3-4 children
  • Parents are usually allowed to sleep in the room
  • The primary decision maker for your child is the cardiologist
  • Nursing assessments are every two to four hours
  • Parents are encouraged to assist in all care for their child
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Cardiology Unit